Make better hiring decisions today using a combination of high quality, valid and reliable assessment instruments. Our customisable assessment batteries ensure you can objectively measure performance and identify high potential - a boon when it comes to that all-important process of selecting the most suitable candidate for the role in question.
Let us help you design the perfect job preview by selecting from a range of cognitive assessments, motives, interest and personality questionnaires as well as behavioural simulations ensuring a holistic approach to your selection needs.
Taking your top performers to the next level can be challenging and many organisations will spend months designing the perfect development centre to evaluate and stretch their high performing talent.
With our unique range of readily available simulation exercises, we provide a fully immersive process that drives the robust evaluation of performance and potential allowing clients to build valuable knowledge of their individual and collective strengths, as well as growth needs, to inform future talent development and planning.
Our VirtualAC technology, combined with vast experience and a highly flexible approach allows us to guarantee an engaging experience for all. In addition, we advise and support on all post-centre learning that may be required.
Using our wide range of AC-EXS simulation exercises, combined with our VirtualAC technology, let us create a top-quality graduate assessment centre that stimulates innovative thinking and showcases your brand to attract the next generation of leaders in your organisation.
From fully outsourced centres to customisable, self-managed options, we can support all your graduate recruitment needs.
Accredited in a variety of personal development assessments, we are equipped to assess and coach your talent to unlock their potential and support them in achieving their personal goals and objectives.
Using best practise coaching methodologies our aim is to ensure short, meaningful interventions that brings lasting behavioural change to your individuals and teams.
Join our skilled and competent trainers on a journey of learning and discovery as we take you through a fully immersive, practical training experience to equip you to design and administer your own Assessment and Development Centres.
In just two days, you can become proficient in best practise assessment centre methodology allowing your organisation to conduct internal assessment and development centres that will boost your organisation's performance and productivity.
Sole distributors of the worlds most extensive range of ready-to-use assessment and development centre exercises brought to you at the click of a button.
Choose from over 270 business simulation exercises covering 35 commonly recognised competencies across 5 levels of performance from administrative to senior executive management roles.
Settings are industry specific, applicable to a variety of roles and functions across most organisations and can be customised to suit your unique organisational needs.
To view the full range, visit our Product offerings here:
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